Thursday, October 30, 2008
NC State Fair 08
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Things we do here, in Raleigh
Mondays are our nothing-special-scheduled days. Sometimes we have playdates and other times we go to the library. Other times we go to the science museum in the Downtown.
We recently started going to the Russian day-care on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Mark is the youngest child there and there are usually 4-5 others. At first I was worried that he'd hate it, but I was so very wrong. He really loved it from the first day. Well, he already knew the teacher; it's the same woman that teaches his Saturday class at the Russian school. Other kids are Alex, 5; Alexei, 5; Varya, 5; her little sister, Tasya, 3; and Ella, 3. So Mark is the baby. When I come to pick him up, the kids say "Baby, your mommie is here!". But they all like him and treat him really well. I think he gets along with all of them.
He loves watching the boys doing cartwheels and running and jumping around. And he doesn't just watch and laugh; he tries to imitate them too! He even started doing sommersaults (with my help, of course). He likes the youngest of the girls, Tasya. She can be a bit bossy, but he holds her hand and they walk together and even talk! So now he repeats some of the things she says and in the same tone of voice; things like "come over", "here", "there", "what's this" - in a very bossy way. Another thing he repeats after her is "ouch!" - he loves it and laughs every time he says it.
Anyway, another thing Mark does now on Tuesdays and Thursdays is swimming lessons. Of course, Mark is much too young to learn swimming, but he learns to not be afraid of water. Chris takes him to the pool in the evenings. I don't go, so I don't have any pictures. But I've heard good things about the lessons.
On Wednesdays I now take him to the Tumble Bunnies class at a YMCA. It's a bit far, but it's worth the trip. A couple of his little friends go there too. The instructors set up a mini-obstacle course that changes each time. Mark does very well, even on the balance beam. And then the kids play with a big parachute and that's absolutely Mark's favorite thing!
Then on Wednesday afternoons we have physical therapy. Mark is doing great now. He's really improving. He goes from sitting to standing to laying down without thinking twice. His balance is much better now; he crawls and climbs and goes down the slides; he twirls around and bounces; he can almost run; and he climbs up the stairs really well. We still have plenty of things to work on though.
On Fridays we also have a free day. Again we have playdates and go to the museums and parks. We try to have a arts lesson at least once a week now that Mark likes drawing with crayons and doesn't mind playdough as long as he gets to use the Fun Factory. And we try to go to the children's museum called Marbles. Also, we go to the Pullen park where we ride carousel and the train and now the boats.
A half-day at the farm
Actually, it was even less than half-day; it was more like an hour or so. I took Mark to the Russian school in the morning and then he slept for 3 hours. That’s what he does – during the week his naps are only about one hour long, but on weekends – 3-hour naps aren’t uncommon. And so we had a late start. The farm was pretty far away – on the other end of town. Also, the directions we got from Google weren’t exactly right and we kept driving back and forth looking for our turn. Finally we got to the farm at about 4pm. But it was a lot of fun. First we had Mark go on the hay mountain. He wasn’t very excited about it though, probably because there were too many other kids climbing, running, jumping and acting crazy. But he did crawl through a very long tunnel under the mountain.
Then we took him to the hay maze. I thought he wouldn’t be very interested in it, but it was just the opposite. He loved it and kept wanting to go back. He even went into the maze on his own! Then we went to the larger corn maze, but it really wasn’t all that. And most corn was already picked. And plus it rained the day before, so the ground was very muddy. We got out of the corn maze with only a couple of ears of corn and went to feed the animals. This farm had a small petting zoo with goats, pigs, and chickens. Except of course, you couldn’t pet the pigs because they bite. And since so many people go through and pet and feed the animals, they really couldn’t care less for our corn. They did love the dry corn stalks though. But what they liked even more was the fresh grass. All the goats and sheep ate all the grass in their little enclosure. So they were just too happy to got even the smallest blade from us. That’s how we kept them coming over. Otherwise, they would just stay away.

But pretty soon it got boring anyway and we went to pick cotton. Cotton-picking is a lot of fun when you only do it for a few minutes. The plants are very beautiful and it’s pretty amazing how much cotton can you pull out of a single flower (or whatever it is called). Mark really got into it. I guess he really liked that for once he was encouraged to pull and tear something. I decided to use the cotton that we picked for crafts, but so far we haven’t used any. Anyway, just as we were done picking cotton, we saw that the hay ride was getting ready to leave. We hurried up and jumped on a hay wagon. Of course, Mark simply loved it. We sat all the way in the front where he could see the big tractor. He thought that was the absolutely best thing ever, even better than cotton. Unfortunately, the girls that sat next to us didn’t think so; they kept throwing corn at the driver. Mean!
Finally, it was time to go to the pumpkin patch. Our admission price included picking one pumpkin per paying adult. First we went to the patch and tried to find a pumpkin still on the vine. It wasn’t that difficult, especially after we moved all the way to the back of the patch. But all the pumpkins were pretty small. So we let Mark find one and we picked it. But then we felt like getting 2 tiny pumpkins just wouldn’t be fair. Instead, we went back and picked another, larger, pumpkin from a ready-to-pick pile. Mark was getting tired and cranky; it was getting cold and dark. And there was really nothing left to do. It was clearly time to leave.
Finally, it was time to go to the pumpkin patch. Our admission price included picking one pumpkin per paying adult. First we went to the patch and tried to find a pumpkin still on the vine. It wasn’t that difficult, especially after we moved all the way to the back of the patch. But all the pumpkins were pretty small. So we let Mark find one and we picked it. But then we felt like getting 2 tiny pumpkins just wouldn’t be fair. Instead, we went back and picked another, larger, pumpkin from a ready-to-pick pile. Mark was getting tired and cranky; it was getting cold and dark. And there was really nothing left to do. It was clearly time to leave.
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
Bear Mountain
During this visit, I went to Bear Mountain not once, but twice. The first time, with my brother who took a day off to spend with me and Mark. We left the house pretty early and stopped for breakfast at one of the bagel shops in Pomona. Then we drove up to the summit along an empty winding road covered in yellow leaves. After spending time at the summit, we drove down the mountaint to the lodge and walked to the little zoo there.
The zoo was great! It has a nature trail with lots of interesting information. Even my brother admitted that he learned a lot of new things. And we saw some pretty cool animals, even a couple of bears. The only thing that sucked was that I had to carry Mark most of the way since he refused to sit in a stroller and got tired less than half-way through the walk.
The second time, I took mom to Bear Mountain. We wanted to set out early in the morning, but I overslept. Then it was time for Mark's nap. Then - lunch. Finally we left at around 1pm. Of course, there were tons of people at the summit, but this late in the day there was no haze and the views were stunning! Mark didn't care though. He picked up a big stick and spent the entire time running around a big rock and fighting a clump of tall grass that grew at the side of this rock.
But check out these golden retrievers we saw on the way back to the car! Aren't they cool?! And I can't get Mark to wear sunglasses or a hat.
Sunday, October 05, 2008
Apple Picking in New York
What can be more fun on a warm sunny day in early October than going apple picking? Going apple picking in New York, of course! Luckily, there's a great little family farm, Conklin Farm, that has Pick-Your-Own on weekends. And it's less than 2 miles from my parents' house.
So off we went to pick the apples yesterday. Actually, the first time we went there was last week. But the weather was perfect, Mark was refusing to take an afternoon nap, and I wanted to get out of the house.
Oh boy, apparently many others had the same idea of going apple-picking on a sunny afternoon; the place was packed! It doesn't hurt that they also have a store on premises that sells everything from fruits and veggies to spices and preserves, a pumpkin patch, and a Kids' Zone with inflatables and slides.
We didn't plan on picking a lot of apples, so we only took 1 plastic bag. But of course how could we pass by huge, ripe apples with their glossy red cheeks warm from the sun and smelling like heaven! And so we picked and picked - red apples, yellow apples, red and yellow apples, apples hanging from the branches and apples from the grass, apples from big trees and apples from dwarf trees... And after our bag was full, we simply picked a few pretty ones, wiped them off with our T-shirts, and sunk our teeth into them. Mmmm, so very good! Mark ate a whole big apple - a record for him! All in all, we picked close to 20lbs of apples.
On the way back, we stopped by the farm's store. It was absolutely packed with shoppers and smelled deliciously of freshly-baked apple cider doughnuts. We picked up some fresh cider, corn, and doughnuts and hurried back home to the feast.
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