This 4th of July we stayed home and celebrated 1 year anniversary of discovering that I was pregnant. Yes, the Independence Day 2006 was very memorable indeed!

We do not have a grill and our yard is a mess this year. So instead of a traditional hamburgers and hotdogs, we decided to get a bit sophisticated. Ok, so it was my decision and Chris had to once again get over his dream of a big juicy steak... Instead, I made a seafood boil. It sounded very Cape Cod and fancy, but turned out to be simple and quick and absolutely delicious. Here it is on the picture. For seafood I used shrimp and clams, but all kinds of seafood and fish can be used in it. The more, the merrier (also, more expensive).
I also made cole-slaw (with a mix of napa, red, and savoy cabbage and red onion and dressing made with Italian dressing, pickled jalapenos, and Dijon mustard). It was lots better than gooey mayo-bloated cole-slaw and it got even better after chilling in the fridge overnight. Then I made a Key Lime pie and an upside-down peach pie. And to round up a meal, I made real lemonade, squeezing lemons and adding slices of orange and some cherries (that's how they make it at our Farmers' Market).

In the afternoon we went to the State Fairgrounds for the 4th of July celebration. We got there early and just walked around. NC State Agricultural Commission was giving out slices of cold, juicy and perfectly ripe watermelons (free, while supplies last). Watermelon and soft-served ice-cream! Later that night we (and the rest of Raleigh citizens) drove to the fireworks which were very good.