Getting Mark ready to go out is a major undertaking!
Last Friday was our 5th wedding anniversary. As usual, we went to the Melting Pot for some fondue. It's just something we do every year (and we got pictures to prove it). Mark went with us. I was a bit concerned whether he'd be able, and more importantly, willing to behave himself for even half an hour. After all, fondue eating takes time. But it was ok. First, there were so many people around paying a lot of attention to him - two hostesses, a waitress, a photo girl, a flower girl, a manager... And then there was the knob that controlled the temperature of the hot plate! That was very exciting (to Mark). He even got his own plate loaded with chopped banana. And I took some of Mark's food with us. As we were dining on cheese fondue, Mark was content with making a mess of his food. We even managed to order and enjoy a chocolate fondue before Mark started getting cranky.
Back home with flowers