Still doing ok... Not much happened today. The main challenge I have every day is to come up with entertainment for Mark. Usually I have a small schedule of recuring weekly activities for mornings and afternoons. So on a typical Wednesday we might go to Pullen Park to play, feed ducks, and ride on a carousel and on a train. And in the afternoon we might go to the Monkey Joe's. Well, this week both options are unavailable to us - each ride at Pullen Park costs $1 per person and Monkey Joe's price is $5. So instead we went to the Kids Together playground in Cary - absolutely free, with lots of play areas, huge sand boxes, and plenty of shade. And in the afternoon we went on a long stroll.
In case you're wandering, we're ok on food, even though last time I went grocery shopping was over a week ago. As a matter of fact, I finally cleaned up the crisper and made vegetable soup. And for main course I made a simple salad - home-made bread (baked by Chris), tomatoes (the last of the ones I bought at the Farmers' Market) and home-grown basil. And we even had a dessert - fresh sticky buns baked by Chris!