Even though we had some bad weather Friday evening and Saturday morning, Saturday afternoon was great. So we went to the downtown for a Raleigh Wide Open festival. Besides, it was the weekend of official opening of a new convention center with its uber-cool shimmering wall (thousands of pieces of moving metal forming an ever-changing picture of an oak tree; and it's lit at night too!). Fayetville St was closed to traffic and instead had vendors set up selling food and trinkets and advertising their businesses.
There were several concert stages as well. In the convention center itself we got a short tour of the place and then went
downstairs to the exhibit floor because they had a huge International Festival going on. I lost count of how many countries were represented through little food kiosks, information booths as well as dance and music groups, but definitely a couple of dozens. City and state services were there as well. So Mark got to check out a police car and a fire engine (of course he LOVED both). And at the end of the day there was even a parade, a short one though.